The Minister of Public Works launched language cafés on November 12, 2024, to promote the practice of bilingualism in its services. This framework allows workers to have a free and relaxing environment for conversational exercise to perfect English-speaking.
The launching ceremony today is chaired by the Minister of Public Works, Emmanual Nganou Djoumessi, in the presence of his close collaborators. Language Cafe is an informal gathering where people come together to practice and improve their language skills in a relaxed and Social environment. The key features include the casual atmosphere, cafes, Libraries, and community centers to also exchange mature speakers and learners meet to convert and practice their lay skills. In addition, informal learning was not on the agenda, just conversation, and interactions in both official languages.
The Minister of Public Works, in his closing remarks, urged all MINTP staff to participate in this great initiative, which is to improve the language skills of the staff. The launching opens the door for the language cafe to be held every Thursday from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at the regional delegation of the Ministry of Public Works. He congratulates the Head of the Division of Translation and the Promotion of Bilingualism, Dr. Besingi Charity épouse Masumbe such a brilliant initiative.
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