The Minister of Public Works chaired this Wednesday, March 29, 2023, an important consultation meeting relating to the construction, maintenance, and road clearance of certain priority projects in the Southwest region.
The road Melong Bangem, Bekoko-Limbe-Idenau, Man O’war Bey- Bimbia-Dikolo, Bwiteva-Bokova–Bonakanda-Bova-Buea Town – Governors Junction, and the maintenance works on Bachuou Akagbe-Mamfe-Ekok stretch of road which was completed and handed over to the project owner, is now under maintenance, was the subject of the meeting held at the first floor of the emergency building.
Because of the insecure nature of the area, the contractors lost some of their workers, thus, pleaded for more time to complete the work. For the section Bachou-Akagbe-Bokwa-Numba to Nchang-Ekok, the stretch is undergoing shoulders and roadside clearing.
The stretch Bwiteva-Bokova–Bonakanda-Bova-Buea Town – Governors Junction, is handed over to Jerry SARL while the control mission is NSM & FILS SARL works progress stands at 30℅ and time consumption 86.67℅ considering 15 March 2022.
Looking at the scope of the project, there is a need to organize seminars for the stakeholder’s Mayors, contractors, and others to come together and ensure good work quality control. It should be noted that, in this section Nfaitock-Bachou Akagbe, the contract is handed to Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Engineering Group Co Ltd (JTEGC) and the control mission is Cima International, the construction company has corrections to handle due to the poor bearing capacity of the materials used for the road foundation sub-based plus the thickness. said the Divisional Delegate for Manyu, Mba Kawo Dingbobga
For the general remarks, difficulties encountered were enormous such as lack of electricity, Public Works working property needs urgent protection, and the construction of a bridge to link Egbekaw and Nchang village is pending because the suspended construction company is yet to resume work. Another hindrance is that the divisions have already started witnessing the output of rain.
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Journaliste professionnel, et directeur de publication de impactechosnews.com
Téléphone : 695280655 / 676261202
Mail : gervaisfredy0@gmail.com
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